About Top Garten

Dear Visitor! Thank You for having visited our website!

Top Garten was established, as a response to a market niche, when we realised that our customers might be in need of a complex package of services.

At our HQ, you’ll find a talented team of individuals who are there to improve and maintain customers’ gardens, to create and maintain lawns or to plan landscapes.

Our gardening values are at the heart of the business and encompass values of well-tended gardens, which encourage beneficial wildlife, improve and balance the appearance of gardens all year long and create borders for year-round interest and heavenly scents.

Gardens can provide joy and pleasure once they are loved, cared and well-groomed with healthy plants, lush green lawn with no weeds.

Make sure that your plants, pots and lawn are constantly cared, if needed with the advice and actual help of knowledgeable experts and a gardening team.

As you might expect, standards of high quality can only be achieved with healthy plants, the best raw materials, the finest quality garden tools and of course expertise and experience par excellence.

Any of our customers’ garden is treated with personal care and attendance, putting our heart and soul into it.

Enjoy the sheer beauty and tranquility of your garden, we are to undertake its maintenance!


We hope that we can welcome You soon amongst our satisfied clients!

Here at Top Garten we live and breathe our gardening values.

Why is Top Garten a worthwhile choice?

  • Adaptability – we adapt to our clients’ special requests and schedule
  • References – we take pride of our previous commissions
  • Lawn Maintenance – lawn maintenance does not only involve lawn-mowing
  • Gardening team – you are to welcome the same gardening team on each occasion
  • Expertise – we set ambitious goals and mean to achieve them
  • Overall cleaning is included in our full-on garden makeover
  • Customer value – Growing and nurturing our customer database is central to our strategy

Please do not hesitate to contact us if You have any further queries.


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